Well, I guess I popped my cherry today. Nothing too significant but I had my first real OC today at the Wawa at the corner of Churchmans Rd and airport Rd this morning. I have mostly been leaving my G 17 in the car but after spending some time reading this forum i decided that I was done worrying about what other people would say. I guess I just didn't want to have to deal with hassle and ignorance but I now realize that its up to people like us to counter the ignorance by educating others. And not to see encounters as a hassle, but as an opportunity instead. So, long story short (too late) I went in, was a little nervous, and even though it wasn't for much longer then 5 minute or so, I came out the other side feeling really good. I didn't even notice if anyone noticed. I felt more engaged with people and the guy behind the counter was super cool. All in all it was a positive experience and I will continue to OC. I need to get a better holster though. But I cannot stress enough how helpful this forum has been for me in providing information and shared experiences to nudge me in the right direction. thanks