You may start a topic here for an Open Carry Log -- a place to relay places and any events which may occur.
 #99123  by Kuntryboy816
June 3rd

Met up with my family at the Friendly's in Middletown yesterday for my brother's b-day. We spent a few hours there eating and hanging out. On one of my escort trips to take my kids to the bathroom, I got a double-take look of horror from an olderly lady. I just smiled and said, "Hello" as we walked by. No one else reacted the entire time we were there.

After that we stopped up at Cabela's. It was the wife and kids first time at the new one. We spent about an hour in there before they closed. My wife got to fondle a few pistols as we're actively looking for a carry piece for her. I asked one of the guys behind the counter for some assistance in choosing a smaller frame pistol that would fit her hand nicely. He wasn't very knowledgeable from my view. He was only picking out a couple based on the size and not the caliber(s) that I had specified. I'll have to make it a point to make a trip to Viper's next week... any excuse really to go there. 8-)

There weren't any spectacular deals on ammo. I picked up a couple of boxes of Herters ($19.99/50) to replace what my wife shot the weekend before last. Had a Cabela's staff guy ask me what 6.2 ammo was. Told him I wasn't familiar with it but that IIRC it was a rifle round. He said, "Well, I figured someone who carried might know." I told him I'd Google it if I had had my phone on me. We talked for a few minutes about the shortage of .22 and Russian surplus prices going up. Other than that just another non-issue trip.
 #99126  by WPCatfish
phlydude wrote: With all the state police presence at the mall, I'm guessing management has changed their minds...

Unless you're Photog!
 #101762  by Kuntryboy816
October 1st

It has been waaaaaay too long since I've posted here. I've been getting lazy and too comfortable with CC'ing....

Well, anyways, last night I was heading home from a trip to Viper's and acquiring a new firearm. My brother and nephew were with me as they drove. I was CC and I've gotten in the habit of tucking my shirt behind my IWB holster when I get into a vehicle. To me, it just makes more sense as it would be easier to access should the need ever arise since I'm sitting and the seat belt is another obstacle I have to contend with. Well, on my way home, I stopped to fill up the Jeep as the fuel price at Wawa was $3.19/gallon. Isn't it ashame we get all excited now like we don't ever remember when gas was $1.15/gallon!! Even I remember when $20 filled the tank! Back to the topic... I pulled up to the pump and was filling the tank when the 3 NCC LEOs walked out of the store towards their cars. I'm not sure if the saw the pistol's grip sticking out from their vantage point but it should have been noticeable against the blue jeans and gray shirt I was wearing. As I was watching them, one of them waved. Even though I didn't recognize him, I waved back and smiled. They were still standing by their vehicles chatting as I drove by on my way out. I waved again and said "Y'all stay safe and have a good night." They waved and I went on my way. Just another non-encounter with LEO. I'm not sure if it's b/c of the way I carry myself or if our local LEO is becoming more knowledgeable about OC and lawful carrying of firearms. I read all these horror stories about people being accosted and harrassed yet I have not had any such experience to date. I do always think of where my phone is and how fast I can activate it when I see LEO... just in case I need to record the encounter.... even if it's a good encounter!
 #101763  by Owen
Nice! :applause: Thanks for sharing!

Gives me hope that NCC are more aware.
 #101774  by Kuntryboy816
Owen wrote:Nice! :applause: Thanks for sharing!

Gives me hope that NCC are more aware.
Could be they recognize me or the Jeep.... NCC and DSP are frequently in my neighborhood... on my street... just not at MY house....
 #101790  by Boots
Kuntryboy816 wrote:... As I was watching them, one of them waved. Even though I didn't recognize him, I waved back and smiled.
He probably saw your gun and was testing you to see what your response would be to his wave.
Apparently, you passed the test.
 #101799  by Dugan
Boots wrote:
Kuntryboy816 wrote:... As I was watching them, one of them waved. Even though I didn't recognize him, I waved back and smiled.
He probably saw your gun and was testing you to see what your response would be to his wave.
Apparently, you passed the test.
The cop must own a jeep, hence "Jeep wave"...

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