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 Delaware Open Carry 

Welcome to Delaware Open Carry, an assemblance of friends and acquaintances who share a common interest. Having met at OpenCarry.org and at well-attended get-togethers, this site was established as a home for us to discuss more Delaware-centric goings-on and to focus our legislative efforts in the first state.

If you work, play or school in Delaware, or have any questions about the lawful and peaceable carry of firearms in our state, we invite you to read through the site and stop by our forums.

In the meantime, feel free to explore our site to read more about who we are, what 'open carry' exactly is and, in addition, we've provided some information to get you started if you're interested in applying for your Delaware Carry Concealed Deadly Weapon license.

 News and Press Releases 

FLASH: The Supreme Court of the Unitest States has affirmed D.C. v. Heller (aka The DC Gun Case) on Thusday, June 26th, 2008, protecting the individual right to keep and bear arms. Below are a few resource links:
· Court Decision
· Audio Recording of Oral Arguments
· Oral Arguments Transcript
· Supreme Court of the United States Blog (ScotusBlog)

· Illegal New Castle County Park Ordinance: New Castle County currently has an ordinance on the books that illegally prohibits law-aibiding citizens from carrying a firearm and the County Council is reluctant to change it. (Read More).

· Newark Ordinance Revision: Partial success! In the latter half of 2007, the City of Newark was considering revising local ordinances to remove the prohibition on concealed carry, since state law already prohibits it with a harsher penalty. As law-abiding citizens, we fully agree with this change. The Council sought, however, to replace the ordinance with one that prohibited the open carry of firearms -- it even got as far as a first reading! Thankfully, the City Solicitor was informed that municipalities are prohibited from regulating the carrying of firearms and recommended that Bill 07-39 be defeated.

UPDATE: SUCCESS! Newark has amended its ordinance to defer to state law with regards to open and concealed carry within its limits, giving us clear law by which to follow and harsher penalties for those who would break the law.

Read the internal letters and memos here.

Even though the bill has been defeated, we feel it prudent that the existing Newark ordinance prohibiting concealed carry be repealed in favor of using Delaware law with the stronger penalty.

· Illegal Newark Park Regulation: The City of Newark enacted a park regulation on June 27th, 1988 -- Chapter 2, Article VII, Sec. 2-71(j) -- that illegally prohibits the possession of a firearm in city parks. This conflicts with state preemption (Title 22, Chapter 1, § 111). This issue will be tracked on this forum post.

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